Employee Commerciale Rayon Vaisselle H F Jobs in France

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Search parameters used for this particular query: Employee Commerciale Rayon Vaisselle H F job / career / vacancy; job location: France.
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Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Vous êtes fort d’une formation commerciale et d’une première expérience en grande distribution à un poste similaire.

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 93000 Bobigny
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 93000 Bobigny
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details



Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Rendre le rayon attractif pour développer la dynamique commerciale. Expert produits, vous aimez le commerce et la relation clients.

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 59100 Roubaix
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 59100 Roubaix
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details


Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Réceptionner et vérifier la conformité des marchandises livrées ; Passer des commandes à partir d’un document administratif ou informatique.

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 94500 Champigny-sur-Marne
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 94500 Champigny-sur-Marne
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details

Employé libre service Rayon Bazar et boutique CDI 35H - H/F

Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Un(e) employé(e) libre service / Employé(e) commercial(e) pour le rayon Bazar et la Boutique en CDI 35h. Approvisionner votre rayon en veillant à respecter les…

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 69000 Lyon
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 69000 Lyon
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details


Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Nous recherchons pour le rayon bazar saisonnier et le rayon permanent vaisselle cadeaux papeterie . L'employé(e) commercial libre service du rayon bazar…

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 49320 Brissac-Quincé
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 49320 Brissac-Quincé
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details



Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Rendre le rayon attractif pour développer la dynamique commerciale. Expert produits, vous aimez le commerce et la relation clients.

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 59150 Wattrelos
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 59150 Wattrelos
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details

Employé libre service - rayon Vaisselle - H/F

Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Commercial : mise en rayon des produits, remplissage, balisage, accueil et renseignement du client, participation aux achats, etc.

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 44800 Saint-Herblain
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 44800 Saint-Herblain
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details


Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Vous êtes fort d’une formation commerciale et d’une première expérience en grande distribution à un poste similaire.

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 29120 Pont-l'Abbé
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 29120 Pont-l'Abbé
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details

EMPLOYE(E) COMMERCIAL(E) rayon vaisselle / décoration H/F - H/F

Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Et contribuez au développement du chiffre d'affaires du rayon. Dynamique, vous aimez le travail en équipe et avez le goût du commerce.

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 49120 Chemillé
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 49120 Chemillé
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details


Date: 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached)

Job Description: Issue d’une formation commerciale et/ou une expérience dans la grande distribution est un plus. Plus qu'un équipier, c'est votre motivation et votre valeur…

Company: E.Leclerc
Hiring Organization: E.Leclerc
Salary: TBD
Location: 29160 Crozon
Street Address: TBD

Locality: 29160 Crozon
Region: disclosed when applied
Postal code: disclosed when applied

Job Details

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Data as of 2023-12-04 (Loaded Cached) with id 29412. Database job listings: 1,214,315 jobs and growing. Find more jobs near me.

If you are switching jobs: Industry experts claim that whenever you inform your superiors that you are leaving your job, the path back is most likely gone. In this case, an imaginary collection is changed that completely changes the business's relationships and atmosphere. When you leave the business you will most probably replaced by someone else fairly quickly.

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